Welcome to your subscription of the Germany Opportunity Package.
You will find here some information how to start your way to Germany.
First important step – Your Language Training
We are using Duolingo for Schools to train our students. Combined with online trainings you will be able to reach your German B-Level Certificate.
To join our Duolingo class please follow this link!
You can start right away with your language training. We will give you every week assignments you has to complete. After you finished Unit 11 we will move you to another classroom to start your online training with Microsoft Teams. You will get more details about the schedules and tasks directly from your teacher via eMail.
Needed Documents
To find the best way to find a job and prepare the recognition of your profession in Germany, we need the following documents via eMail. Please also start your application on our website via this link.
Please send all documents with your application number via email.
While the process is ongoing we will ask for additional documents if needed.
If you have any question don’t hesitate to contact us via email: tahia@career-worldwide.com.